Submit your NEET 2021 score on or before 6 November 2021 | APDHTE Itanagar
In continuation to our circular of even no. dated 12-10-2021, candidates who have appeared NEET 2021 and interested to know their inter-se Merit position amongst the candidates of Arunachal Pradesh are requested to submit their details in the google form through the link available in the official website within 6th November 2021.
Last Date
6th November 2021
1. This is ONLY for knowing one's provisional inter-se Merit.
2. Candidates will again have to invariably register in the official portal of DHTE and complete all the formalities for the counselling & allotment of seats. The schedule for the same shall be announced in due course of time.
3. The schedule for the same shall be announced in due course of time.
Submit Score
Click here to submit your score.
Counselling Process
Step 1
1. Visit and fill the google form w.e.f. 01st November 2021 to 06th November 2021 to know your inter-se merit position amongst the candidates of Arunachal Pradesh.
2. Provisional interse merit position based on the data submitted in the google form, shall be published in the website around 08th November 2021.
3. Keep visiting the website regularly for next update i.e. LINK for final Online registration and other activities which will be published in the same portal after the receipt of the official NEET 2021 result.
Step 2
1. The Information Brochure for Counseling for PCB Group Courses 2021 shall be published in the website Download and read the same carefully. Note the schedule/ important dates of different activities which will be available therein.
- Schedule will contain the following amongst others:
- Start and last date of registration.
- Publication of final inter-se merit position
- Start and last date of Choice filling
- Date of 1st round of Online Counselling
- Start and end date of reporting at DHTE and Medical Education for nomination.
- Date of 2nd round of Online Counselling
- Start and end date of reporting at DHTE and Medical Education for nomination.
2. Register online and upload required documents once the dates are finalised and published. After registration, keep track of your application for any query, if raised, against the information of documents submitted online by logging into the same portal.
3. Keep visiting the Website for other information.
4. Provide your correct and working Mobile No. and e-mail address as all communication shall be made through these electronic means only.
Important Links
1. For details of seats received / yet to be received during 2021-22.
2. Reservation Policy against distribution of seats.
3. State Portal for allotment of seat and all other activities related to counselling.
4. For counselling against the All India Quota (15%) by the Medical Counseling Committee.
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